Morning Update 6/28/21

Again spring wheat leads overnight grain rally. Wheat futures opened higher overnight with row crop prices mixed. Then a strong rally developed throughout the night as the North American forecast showed a drier and warmer weather forecast continuing to be offered in the northern Plains and NW Midwest into mid-July. Crops in this area are…

Market Volatility from Biofuel Court Decision

Market Volatility from Biofuel Court Decision Supreme Court rules for refineries request for waivers from biofuel mandates. Sent soybean oil tumbling, dragging soybeans lower as well. Support held. Today’s Supreme Court decision merely gives this and future Administration’s more freedom to do waivers, but it doesn’t dictate things. Question now is, how will the Biden…

Morning Update 6/25/21

Spring wheat leads overnight price strength. Grain futures mainly moved higher overnight, with corn drifting in the early morning session. Overnight strength was tied to follow-through buying from yesterday’s midmorning recovery and close. Corn and soybeans yesterday held key support values, as China booked another 5 to 7 cargoes of beans, and there is talk…

Morning Update 6/24/21

Grain futures sharply lower overnight at the start of big rains. Grain futures moved sharply lower overnight, even dragging Minneapolis wheat lower briefly in its wake. Minneapolis jumped $0.15 off of its lows into the night session close. Soaking rains are starting across the Midwest as expected and anticipated to be off and on for…

Morning Update 6/23/21

Spring wheat leads overnight strength. Row crop prices were mixed overnight with again strength in expiring old crop July contracts for first notice day and weakness on the new crop with the prospect of improved Central US rainfall. The spring wheat futures moved back to yesterday’s highs again, as the worst drought in a decade shows…

Morning Update 6/22/21

Crop ratings lift spring wheat prices. Overnight, grain futures started higher, with spring wheat sharply higher on the decline in ratings and a collapse in the spring wheat ratings. The lower ratings were met with eager selling on row crop pricing. The forecast for soaking rainfall in Iowa/Illinois has ratings that will be stabilized/slightly improved…