Morning Update

Ukrainian port war escalation and threatening weather boosted grains sharply higher overnight. Grain futures raced sharply higher overnight on the escalating of Black Sea risks occurring with more bombing in southern Ukraine with reports of more damage done to the ports in Odessa and Chonomorsk. Adding to the fact that vessel insurers will now pause…

Morning Update

Grains turn higher overnight on threatening weather forecasts. After a lower start last night, grain prices recovered sharply as weather models bring threatening US weather to the Central US along with overnight strength from Russia against Ukraine’s Odessa grain export port. This signals Moscow’s aversion to Ukraine to export Ag products from Marine ports. It’s…

Morning Update

Grains are higher, with wheat the leader this morning. Grain futures are higher crosses board this morning, as drier northern Midwest weather becomes a concern with warming temperatures into early August raising crop yield risks. The COT report on Friday showed a surprising amount of corn sold at 44k contracts, but some analysts view this…

Morning Update

Soybeans lead the overnight grain recovery. Soybeans are sharply higher again this morning for the fourth day in a row, but from considerably lower levels on the week. Grain prices are bouncing from extreme selling that was encountered Thursday after the WASDE crop report put out a gauntlet of bearish numbers. Recovery this morning is…

Morning Update

WASDE crop report out today at 11:00 a.m. Grain prices are higher this morning, led by the soybeans again ahead of the July WASDE crop report out at 11:00 a.m. this morning. NASS will update winter wheat and other small grain crop estimates along with US and world Supply/demand forecasts, which will include the updated…

Morning Update

Soybeans lead overnight strength again. Grain prices moved higher overnight, led by the soybean market as the crop condition scores were friendly for soybeans. Crop conditions showed corn up +4% (1-3% expected) to 55% G/E and beans up +1% to 51% G/E. Spring wheat was cut another point to 47% G/E. Winter wheat conditions were…

Morning Update

Soybeans lead overnight strength. Grain futures turned higher overnight after a rough start, with soybeans leaving sharp gains as the market starts to look towards Wednesday’s WASDE crop report that will have the reduced 4 million acres calculated and what the USDA may use for yields. December corn is back to challenging five died 00…

Morning Update

Grains trade lower on a better 6-10 day forecast. Wheat futures continued their drift lower overnight, with corn and soybeans tumbling in the morning hours as the overnight trends for the 6-10 day forecast offered a cooler than normal weather and additional rainfall chances. Wetter areas include southern IA and southern NE. Further north in…