KC Wheat
Spec Trade: Buy a May KC Wheat at 1061.2 with a 1038 stop. The gap is the risk.
Wheat lifts the grain complex overnight. Grain futures reacted sharply higher to the first NASS wheat crop condition report showing only 30% of the 2022 winter wheat crop rated GD/EX, with 36% of the crop in the poor/very poor category. This is the second-lowest initial US winter wheat crop on record and was a bullish…
Grain futures recover overnight on renewed war premium and weather concerns. Grain futures started firm overnight and moved sharply higher on the same news they ended with last Friday in a slump. Weather remains dry in the southern plains with today’s NASS start of national wheat crop ratings, which are expected to be poor, along…
Wheat futures start new month higher on weather concerns. This morning, grain futures have lower soybeans, consistent with yesterday’s selling from the very stocks and acreage data. At the same time, new crop corn remains firm, and wheat futures are taking over new friendly leadership with concern is now on April 1 about the dry…
Prospective Planting Report 3/31/22 Report was friendly for corn and wheat but bearish for soybeans on stocks and acreage data.
Crude Oil declines on potential increased SPR releases. Grain futures started steady overnight, but corn and soybeans went under selling pressure from a sharp drop in crude oil. The Biden administration announced it was contemplating the sale of 1 Mil barrels/day from the US strategic reserve to fight inflation. This proposal would allow for 180…
The Hogs and Pigs Report All Hogs and Pigs as of March 1st: 100% vs 100.2 estimates Kept For Breeding: 100% vs 100.5 estimates Kept For Marketing: 100% vs 100.2 estimates The report was as neutral as you could get.
Commodities turn higher on Zelenskiy comments. After a mixed to firm overnight grain session, and a complete reversal of yesterday, at 6:30 a.m. Chicago time, grain futures bolted higher led by wheat on comments from Ukrainian Pres. Zelenskiy that he believed Russia was sending new forces into Ukraine during a speech to the Norwegian parliament….
Commodities are sharply lower as truce talks intensify. Grain futures are sharply lower this morning, as around 6:30 a.m. Chicago time, news filtered in that Russia signaled intent to cut military operations around Kyiv and Chernihiv, and the Russian chief negotiator said Moscow would take military de-escalation steps. Peace talks continue into the evening in…