Morning Update 5/9/22

Sharply lower equity markets creates risk-off in commodities. Row crop futures moved sharply lower last night as the equity markets continued their heavy liquidation, dragging energies and metals lower, which pushed corn and beans to the downside on potential bio-fuel reduced usage. (That may not be a fact heading into this time of year, but…

Morning Update 5/6/22

Stats Canada data deemed friendly for wheat and canola. Grain futures tumbled sharply in the night session, a negative reaction to the late heavy losses in the stock market, which saw risk-off trade driving prices lower. Also, a warmer forecast for next week offers more planting opportunities added to the selling. By morning wheat prices…

Morning Update 5/5/22

Wheat futures lead the overnight price. Grain futures had seen strength all night, with wheat futures rising as concerns grew that India would eventually ban wheat exports. Indian wheat yield/collection data as the harvest is 50% complete are already disappointing, with commercial estimates of Indian wheat production possibly as low as 93-97 MMTs. Such a…

Morning Update 5/4/22

India lowers its wheat crop size. Grain futures had a mixed overnight session until early this morning at around 6:00 a.m., when India announced they were lowering their 2022 wheat crop to 105 MMTs, down from their April estimate of 111 MMTs. The recent record heat since March and the taking a toll on the…


Despite the weather, the corn correction is not done. In this quick observation on the chart, it looks like corn did a corrective B wave bounce this morning’s high, and now we still have a potential C wave decline that could culminate in a wave 2 potentially near 780.